Smile, it’s free therapy!
We definitely need huge doses of it during these challenging times. Last week representatives from ISL Malta presented a donation to Ms Astride Camilleri (PR & Fundraising OBO Dr Klown).
Dr Klown is an NGO dedicated to providing clown doctor services at Mater Dei Hospital (Malta). Ms Camilleri said that although their activities have been impacted due to covid restrictions, they remain positive and look forward to being of assistance to the community. Popularised by the film Patch Adams, clown doctors dose their patients with fun and laughter! The hospital can be scary, confusing or just plain boring for kids. This is where clown doctors can help. Clown doctors are not doctors but volunteers from every walk of life that are artistically and psychologically trained to entertain children in hospital. You can find more information on their website here:
#islmalta #corporatesocialresponsibility