Sales Force Automation


Our solution encompasses an array of tools required for a sales representative to be mobile and equipped with all client and product-related details. This will ease and speed the sales process while helping in quick decision-making at the point of negotiating, pre-selling, as well as collecting money.

SFA+ Product Overview

“Client and product information at our fingertips enabling quick decision making and effectively increasing focus on the sales function.”

The system works online with the Financials, Inventory and Sales & Distribution modules and also works in disconnected mode to ensure continued service when internet connectivity is unavailable.  It covers all aspects of sales, including capturing Orders, Receipts and Returns through a modern, easy-to-operate, touch-controlled user interface designed using the latest technology.


SFA+ is a scalable, modular & complete solution for your salesforce.  It allows your sales team to work seamlessly and efficiently by giving critical information whenever and wherever needed.

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