

In the automotive industry, vehicle distributors, importers and exporters operate in an ever-changing and challenging market. More than ever, they rely on their IT partners to help drive efficiencies and increase profits throughout their business. For over 30 years, Information Systems Limited has provided functionally rich and flexible software solutions specifically developed for this business sector.

Dealer Management Systems

ISL are the leaders in the Automotive Industry in Malta by providing the best software solutions to tailor to any business needs. Over the years, our focus has remained on our customers, driving continuous improvements in our implementations to align your processes seamlessly with your requirements. We offer a variety of DMS solutions that cater to various dealerships requirements ranging from inventory management, to sales optimization. Our systems help to empower your business with current up-to-date tools.

Automotive Solutions you can trust

We are trusted software solution providers both both local, and international markets.

The leading business solution for the retail automotive industry

Keyloop, formerly CDK Global has a proven track record of working with manufacturers and distributors in over 25 countries, representing most of the world’s volume and specialist brands. The Keyloop Importer Management System (IMS) is fully scalable, to meet the demands of manufacturers and their subsidiaries, large and small private distributors and enterprise groups. IMS supports businesses as diverse as passenger cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, marine and components.

ISL has the proven experience of delivering “Best in Class” solutions across the importer/exporter sector at a global level and using innovative and technical expertise.

Drive results in every area of your business with our leading DMS!

Key Features

Fully integrated software solutions to help achieving your business objectives.

Scalable solutions to support your day-to-day management.

Global DMS Partners with extensive Automotive Experience adding your Personalised Touch.

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ISL caters for all areas of your business.

ISL Automotive Product Lines

Automotive Advisory



CMS Cloud Solutions

Cyber Garage


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